Tuesday, October 11, 2011

2K Man

Sometimes a Flatland Diva lives a lonely life. A single life. Everyone may not agree but I think that being alone is the pits on Friday nights. A night for lovers drained from the work week to come together to cupcake and continue each other's delights through Sunday. I know Saturday night will come and I still may be doing nothing else new.

Dating today is not for the faint of heart. It seems to have come down to a predator versus prey situation. The eternal question posed to me by my experiences in life seems to be, simply put, "Which are you?"

I've been back on the dating scene for nearly four years. Over that course of time my heart has been chopped, diced and served back to me more than my fair share to know which category I've fallen into. Opposites attract. I've always been attracted to men who are emotionally shutdown. I can hardly be surprised cupcaking is not on their agenda.

I recently began talking to a man who lives 2,000 miles away. Normally, I would never consider a long distance relationship but this guy has me floating on the ninth cloud. We can talk about anything it seems. Recently I revealed so much about myself that I actually felt naked and exposed afterward. I was left feeling like a gazelle in the African savannah chased down and devoured while knowing that I'll only be reincarnated as some other form of food. Yet, he has not abandoned me. Instead, he has licked my wounds and I love that.

We are both wondering if the other could be The One. What my friend's German in-law calls, "The Big Love." I haven't believed in soulmates since I was old enough to date. Now, twenty years later, I am reconsidering the soulmate concept. Some ancient Greeks believed that humans originally had two heads, four arms and four legs and were split in half by Zeus to search the world all their days for their other half. We meet in high school. He was an athlete. I was a budding feminist whose life revolved around her journalism class. I avoided him then like the plague. Have you seen Sixteen Candles? Well, he was my Jake Ryan. Can you say,"Too fine?" I always considered him the prototype of the good dude. Enter Facebook 20 years later. Between in-boxing, emailing, instant messaging, telephone, text and Skype, we've got a thing going on.

Friday I'm buying my plane ticket to go see him. I'm highly thrilled and somewhat anxious. What if we don't hit it off? Can we remain friends? I'm geared to think positively though. What if we get along great? What if we fall in love? My visit is just weeks away. Then the real test-- face to face contact. I'm fitting well in my favorite Black Levi's, hence I'll be super confident, which is the cornerstone of sex appeal.

Here we are gearing up for 2012. It is the Flatland Diva's time to shine. I rule my grooming but a little professional help never hurt anyone. So begins a round of appointments-- hair, nails and wax (might just go Brazilian, y'all!). A Flatland Diva brings it and plays for keeps. She needs just one man who treats her like more than a play thing. In her eyes, her man is always a king. It's only right that she be a queen. The only thing she feels as deeply about as him are God, the people and their beautiful struggle. I plan to bring my "A" game and to stay present. It's not everyday I meet a man who is so emotionally available, even sentimental. The potential here with this man way over there is off the chain. He will not meet a gazelle. I will be a lioness whom he can make purr.

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